Registration / reconnection issue fixed




  • Tanyaclark1

    Ok guys, I’m in! Thx! Now let’s go to work! Do we get additional credits for being inconvenienced???

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  • jun zheng

    Still not fixed, driver's license verification failed can’t login

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  • jun zheng

    Today, my account will be withdrawn automatically and cannot be registered. The problem has lasted for 10 hours. There is no information in the database that I cannot match the login. I still have 81 points in my account. Please repair as soon as possible

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  • jvray

    I understand that you charge us for using your app. You have gone so far as to partner with Lyft so they can pay you a portion of our trip money. As a partner with Lyft, you should have seen this coming and been ready for this. I was scheduled this week for 4 rides for this week into next. You call these charges the cost of doing business. It is enough that we are forced to buy tokens to trade for rides and then Lyft take money from us to pad your pockets for the privilege of getting rides. We loose money because your app went down. This sucks

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  • jun zheng

    Still not fixed, driver's license verification failed can’t login

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  • Tdh5863

    I reallu like the app. Maybe Its because I live in a rural area, and skeddy has thrown me some good schedules. But i am about ready to get my money back(33 credits). I am pi**es off. I an expecting some kind of promotion etc.for this bu**sh*t Skeddy

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  • Ezequiel Enriquez

    Que susede

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  • Ezequiel Enriquez

    Por que no puedo acceder

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  • Tanyaclark1

    I don’t know if I’m reading something wriong or not but the version history in the App Store says skeddy was updated a month ago???? … not today

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  • Reinaldo Isidro Naranjo Martinez

    Hola cambié mi número de celular en lyft y ahora no puedo entrar a mi cuenta

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  • PointA2B

    What else do iOS users need to do in order to get beyond the driver license information? I entered mine several times and it still doesn’t grant me access to my account.

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  • Robin Davenport

    I cant get verified. Its been almost a week trying to get past the phone and code verification! I have an android and I have done everything from uninstalling the app to restarting my phone clearing the cache etc. I dont know much more to do! I have plenty of credits and have lost scheduled rides! Please fix this

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  • Jennifer Dodson

    2 days with zero updates. I surely hope this is being fixed.

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  • jun zheng

    please ASAP fix

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