Skeddy is designed for Lyft drivers.
To filter out spammers, we need to make sure you have a valid Lyft Driver account.
To verify your Lyft Driver account, please enter your telephone number registered with Lyft and press "Next".
Another input box will open, where you will have to enter the verification code. You should receive an SMS message from Lyft with the verification code in it.
After entering the verification code, please enter your Driver's License number and press "Next": your registration will be completed.
Troubleshooting possible registration issues:
1. If you did not receive an SMS message from Lyft with the verification code, please check if the phone number you're entering in the input box matches the phone number you used while registering your Lyft Driver account.
2. If you've entered a verification code received over SMS, but the registration process does not go any further, that means you have already been registered with Skeddy before but with a different telephone number.
In this case, please contact Support and submit your name and the DL# so we identify and delete your old account, and you will be able to continue registering the new one.
3. If after entering your DL# in the registration page, the process does not go any further, please check if the Driver's License number you're entering in the input box is spelled exactly as in your Lyft Driver's account including all dashes and/or other special characters.
4. Even if everything above is taken care of, you can still receive the below error message from Lyft (red):
The above message means that Lyft wants you to re-authenticate your account through their website. Please, go to in your web browser (desktop or mobile) and try to log in to your Driver's account. Follow the instructions provided to you during the login process.
After successful login, please come back to the Skeddy app and register.
Hi How are you doing today I looking for drive job s please
I need help
Pongo la licencia y no avanza la aplicacion
I need finish application
No puedo entrar
Buenos días voy a poner el código que usted el envida y me dice que el código no es correcto que debo de hacer
I get this mesage plz help me
No matching phone number and phone code found
No matching phone number and phone code found
Wth is going on with skeddy
The app has bugs
La aplicación no funciona da error en número de teléfono y codigo
La app no me funciona me da error en el registry del telefono
No puedo abrir la aplicación cuando pongo el # de licencia no avanza y me llega un mensaje que lyft sierra secion xk detecta un inicio desconocido
Why do I type in my driver's license number and then click "Next" and stop?
Why do I type my drivers license and click next and the application stopped ?
If everyone has been following this occurrence then you would know there is a problem with the app. However, this problem should have been fixed by this point. We depend on and pay for an app to make us money and they shouldn’t take a week, maybe longer now, to get this fixed. The app stops working after entering your drivers license. The app will not connect with the Lyft app or whatever other app you’re using. They said to please have patience, but my patience is wearing thing especially when I pay to use the service. I like the app but this is unacceptable.
After I singen off skeddy and try to sigen on as soon I put my DL # it freezes I did it many time and on other phone but still can not sigen in is anyone can help
What should I do when I have sigen on issues and I have in my account 94 point credit
Want to comeback to work
Your help please to schedule today
Can't sign on
I've already provided all my information to sign on still having problems
I need more customers to get paid
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